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Wise Spirit

In March 2019 this play of reflected light and shadows appeared for only about ten minutes on the wall of my great room. How easily I could have missed them! I had never before nor have I since seen a pattern (of any kind) on that wall. She emerged during a period when I had a number of crucial decisions to make. I call her Wise Spirit.
Wise Spirit - Madonna of the Light

"I just wish I had a wise old woman to tell me what to do," I whispered to Spirit as I walked a favorite path one evening. The details of life weigh heavily sometimes.

Oh wait, I realized with astonishment! I AM that wise old woman. mind stammered, surely, I'm not OLD!

Old. What a wicked word. It’s so much more graceful in French: une femme d’un certain âge. An age one can’t quite define. No longer young, but never really old. Alive with allure and sensuality born of saying "yes" to the currents of life no matter how they flow. Resonant with understanding and insight.

This way of thinking refuses the concept of growing old just because the years pass. I acknowledge – no – I love! – who I am today. Gray hair that celebrates my natural curl. Wrinkles that applaud my delight in sun and laughter. An acceptance of Now in my body and mind, recognizing that space/time pulls me as it does every element of the Universe. The wisdom of wonder and the art of gratitude that are fountains of youth for the soul.*

In Celtic lore there is the story of the Triple Goddess, represented some believe in the swirling sign of the Triskele I often wear around my neck. There are other possible meanings of this beautiful symbol, but as Goddess it is thought to express the stages of a woman’s life in the magical power of the number three.

The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone are connected at the center and the flow curves outward like a spiral galaxy of life. The Maiden, full of enthusiasm and new beginnings. The Mother with ripeness and fulfillment. And the Crone. Who determined that the last stage of a woman’s life would be defined by such an ugly word?

The words we choose and the thoughts we allow are important to our wellness of body and soul. So, I reject the notions of old crone and ugly hag for the third spiral. My pick instead is Wise Woman in whose image I find truths and Truth. The Wise Woman who will bend not because of age, but stoops to listen to seekers and to whisper encouragements. The Wise Woman who reflects discerning energies to help others uncover their own deep truths.

The wisdom we seek is here, to be found hidden within each of us. No one can really teach us, though I do believe in shamans and gurus and Wise Women who are sent to guide us when we get stuck. I own my age and my wisdom ~ this wisdom that has been drawn from the depths of my bone and blood to become life truths.

No! I’m not old, unless I choose to be, and I do not!

And so I laugh. "Life is the childhood of our immortality," reads one of my all-time favorite quotes often attributed to Goethe.

To be a wise old woman (or man) is to be forever young, forever alive.

In March 2019 this play of reflected light and shadows appeared for only about ten minutes on the wall of my great room. How easily I could have missed them! I had never before nor have I since seen a pattern on that wall. She emerged during a period when I had a number of crucial decisions to make. I call her "Wise Spirit - Madonna of the Light."

*And full truth: Although I have embraced the gray and the wrinkles, I'm still having a problem accepting those little jelly rolls around my tummy, the dimples on my thighs, and those times when words don't come as quickly to my mind. Ah ~ more lessons for me!

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