I sing a lullaby in moonlight
Melody to sighing trees
And starlit sky
Darkness that doesn’t haunt
Wind that cools
No clouds now
But deer crunch fall’s old leaves gently as they follow forest trails worn visible by
instincts older than time
And the phantom of the owl I do not see, but whose presence I know,
perceived by her silent glide
That old tree is creaking
It’s going to fall some day soon
Her sister-trees whisper in mirrored echoes
“It’s okay. Fall to Earth Mother. We are here
to catch you.”
There is clarity in the shadows of a full moon night
Even as reality hides ~
as Reality and Truth so often do
There are no colors exactly
But not black and white either
Rather, moonlight hints of colors I know so well by day
The sky almost blue, the grass almost green
Memory tricks my eyes to see color illusions
I am sleepless, awake as the midnight moon called
Feeling Earth Mother spin towards morning
As I sit, safe on my porch
Part of me is ready to curl up again in the warmth of my bed nest
But that star in the Northeast winks at me just at the tree top
So I linger still
Called by breezes to
Sing this night
I know all the places the moon can hide